An informative web site about Topic Maps, maintained by
Michel Biezunski (InfoLoom) and
Steven R. Newcomb (Coolheads Consulting)

Topic Maps and XTM: A Manager's Overview

Knowledge Technologies 2001, Austin, March 5 2001.

Steven R. Newcomb and Michel Biezunski

1 Topic Maps and XTM: A Manager's Overview
2 What's the problem?
3 Information assets
4 Need for a common platform for common activities
5 Corporate memory
6 Enabling global knowledge connectivity
7 A New Bridge
8 Why Topic Maps?
9 Freedom of Expression
10 The Web ... and beyond
11 A market for finding aids
12 Standard(s)
13 What's next ?
14 Topic maps at a glance
15 Topics as Information Hubs
16 User-defined semantics
17 Topic map constructs
18 Subjects
19 Connecting Hubs for Global Sharing of Knowledge
20 Merging topic maps